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Day 1: Kigali
Visitors are met on arrival by our representative and taken to visit the Memorial site and Museum. This is a fascinating visit to an important statement about Rwanda’s past but not for the fainthearted. The intention is to show Rwanda�s commitment to such atrocities never happening again but the evidence of what happened can be distressing. After our visit we have lunch at the Novotel Hotel, Kigali and after lunch we drive for an hour and a half to Ruhengeri arriving in the late afternoon.
1 overnight Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge
Day 2: Volcano National Park
We wake up early, at 0600am for breakfast & then transfer to the park headquarters where we complete the formalities for our Gorilla trip.
This is one of the most exhilarating and moving wildlife experiences you can have: you get so close to these giant primates, observing them observing you their almost human movements, innate dignity and social interaction make a unique connection within each of us.
The trek to find gorillas can be quite short, but on most days an hour or two of rough hiking each way is necessary. Each visit is by permit and limited to one hour with a professional Gorilla tracker in charge who will coach you in the safety rules and body language required to come close to the Gorilla troops.
1 overnight Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge
Day 3: Volcano National Park
We get up early for breakfast at 0700am and depart for our last Gorilla trek at 0830am.
The climb begins through the lush terraced farmlands of the lower volcanic slopes. As the slopes become steeper and rockier, the vegetation becomes thick and tangled; the guides must use their machetes to help clear a path. Huge trees, clinging vines and undergrowth add to the challenge of swift streams and slippery red mud underfoot.
Usually at around 8,000 ft signs of the huge animals become apparent. Damage to the bamboo trees is an obvious sign as the gorillas relish the young tender shoots and break older stems to suck the sap. The smell of gorilla may waft by in the stray breeze or, if one is really near, it is strong and unmistakable. As you near you hear sounds, which can be loud crashes or dull reverberating thuds.
After our last morning visit we have a late lunch at the Lodge and depart by road for Kigali.
1 overnight Kigali Serena Hotel
Day 4: Depart
After breakfast visitors are transferred to the International Airport for their departing flight.